March 12, 2016

The Last Battlefront of The Mommy Wars

I am honored to have another post published over on Sammiches and Psych Meds satirical corner of the world: This latest joins my several previous posts The Youngest Person Ever to Appear on Hoarders, Mother Caught Dealing on Elementary School Grounds, and an unprecedented Oprah interview.

If you've ever helped your school collect, count and submit boxtops or labels, you can relate to this one...

torture devices
photo courtesy of my own
private collection of torture devices
...The details haven’t been fully confirmed, but it appears there was some sort of incident between two of the members regarding the collection of Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s Labels for Education. One witness said that two ladies were giving their counts on the collections when an argument broke out between them.
See the full post here and be sure to check out all of the funny over on!

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