November is Diabetes awareness month. My Moo has Type I Diabetes and was diagnosed just over six years ago. It hasn't been incredibly easy or fun, but, as with everything in life, time and practice bring a measure of wisdom and familiarity.
I was asked to share our story over on The WIRL Project site.
I was asked to share our story over on The WIRL Project site.
Never in a million years would I have guessed that the doctor would come back in the room and say, “I suspect your daughter has Type I diabetes.” The Sugar.
My immediate thought was that we were going to get a pamphlet, go home, and come back in a few days for a follow-up visit. I had no idea. I think it took some time for the shock to wear off. Neither of us started crying until we were in the car on the way to the Emergency Room. Driving to a big hospital and an even bigger Unkown.
You can read the full post here.
Diabetes: Stronger Because Of It. @notsosupermom_