March 12, 2015

Working Out. (Or Faking Out, whatevs...)

So when I first got the word choices for this week's #OneWord challenge my initial reaction was, "nah." 

Fake and Quiet. Immediately I think, "Quiet? What's That?"  Doesn't Lisa know that I have three kids? There is no possible way I can relate to that one except to say I wish I HAD some!

So, Fake.  On the face of it, Fake is probably last on a long list of words I can relate to.  My number one compliment ever from other people is that I am down-to-earth.  Fake,  the adjective, just doesn't live here.  I figured I'd wait until next week.....

Come Wednesday evening, thoughts of writing long gone, I was seriously considering working out. This may seem like no big revelation to you (and completely non sequitur) but it was kind of a big deal for me. About 18 months ago I was working out nearly every day and I felt awesome. And if you need proof (and you're totes bored) you need only check out my Instagram and scroll back through my gallery anywhere from 58 to 80 or so weeks ago I had a lot of fun posting sweaty selfies after my workouts. (If you want a shortcut search #gitnrdone. It's not all of the posts, but I used that hashtag quite a bit.)

Anyway I've been feeling like major crapola lately and I really need to do something about it. Nobody else is gonna work this body out for me. (Unless you count The Sarge and, well, this just isn't THAT kind of post. Some things just don't need to be faked.)

So the night dragged on and although the kids were in bed on time and without fanfare, laundry (and a new episode of Survivor) awaited. Feeling accomplished (some days folding one of the 10 loads of laundry you have done IS an accomplishment) I headed back to get ready for bed.

While contemplating my choice of pajama pants I decided that maybe I could still get this workout done.  Maybe I could squeeze it in tomorrow morning. I decided that to facilitate this plan I could sleep in my workout clothes. They are no less comfortable than most of my pj's and it would save me precious time in the morning. Then it occurs to me:  I'm FAKING IT.

Choosing to wear the workout clothes in an effort to get myself in the mood to actually work out.  Physically wearing things that will hopefully change my mental frame of mind which will hopefully inspire me to physically move my ass.  Faking it 'til I make it.

I know in all actuality, I probably won't make it. Mornings here can be tough and The Sarge will be gone before the rest of us are awake tomorrow so I will be on my own in trudging through the morning routine with the superkids.

But I think in faking this, and probably repeatedly, the mental change will take hold. I will reframe how I perceive myself, my desires and my abilities. I will fake myself into believing that I am worth taking the time to do this for myself.  I will still be down-to-earth me (those sweaty selfies aren't glamorous) but if it gets me to a better, healthier place, maybe I can make room for some of this kind of Fake.


Fake it 'til you make it. #OneWord @notsosupermom_


This post is part of the One Word Blog Link up hosted by The Golden Spoons, Confessions of a Mommyholic, and Blogitudes.


  1. I know the feeling well and haven't worked out properly in months and definitely not in the morning, because I truly am so not a morning person by any means myself. So, glad you were able to join us in the end for this week's challenge and hope you will join us again in weeks to come, too ;)

    1. Thanks, Janine! Hopefully soon I will be writing about actually working out!

  2. Well, I 'm glad the topic me to you!! (Truthfully, I made my list of topics quite a while ago and when I read those two words for this week, I also thought "What am I supposed to write about those?!?!") Anyway, I get this. I'm faking it every time I go to the gym. I try to act like I enjoy it and that I'm proud to be doing something for myself. Truth is, I hate it. I resent that I go the the gym 2-3 times a week and I don't lose any weight and I will NEVER look like "those" girls there. But, I fake it and go anyway!! :-)

    1. At least you go! I can't do the gym, which really sucks for being accountable to something, Even if it was just being accountable to the cost of the membership. :/

  3. I do that all the time. Wear workout clothes all day in hopes to inspire and motivate myself. Honestly what REALLY helps is doing it FIRST thing in the morning. It wakes me up and totally energizes me. Then the rest of the day I eat healthy because I don't want to spoil the hard work I've put in.

  4. I do that all the time. Wear workout clothes all day in hopes to inspire and motivate myself. Honestly what REALLY helps is doing it FIRST thing in the morning. It wakes me up and totally energizes me. Then the rest of the day I eat healthy because I don't want to spoil the hard work I've put in.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Working out in the morning REALLY helps...but I"m guilty of hte same thing. Putting on my workout clothes and never working out. Good luck!

    1. Mornings suck for me. I get up early enough, but then I have too many other things to do. When I was working out regularly, it was at night, but I just can't seem to make myself move that late anymore. (Excuses, excuses....right?)


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